{"version":3,"names":[],"mappings":"","sources":["Project/MigrolWebsite/code/assets/MigrolWebsite/js/vue-router.min.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*!\n * vue-router v3.4.3\n * (c) 2020 Evan You\n * @license MIT\n */\nvar t, e; t = this, e = function () { \"use strict\"; function t(t, e) { for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; return t } var e = { name: \"RouterView\", functional: !0, props: { name: { type: String, default: \"default\" } }, render: function (e, n) { var o = n.props, i = n.children, a = n.parent, u = n.data; u.routerView = !0; for (var s = a.$createElement, c = o.name, p = a.$route, f = a._routerViewCache || (a._routerViewCache = {}), h = 0, l = !1; a && a._routerRoot !== a;) { var d = a.$vnode ? a.$vnode.data : {}; d.routerView && h++, d.keepAlive && a._directInactive && a._inactive && (l = !0), a = a.$parent } if (u.routerViewDepth = h, l) { var v = f[c], y = v && v.component; return y ? (v.configProps && r(y, u, v.route, v.configProps), s(y, u, i)) : s() } var m = p.matched[h], g = m && m.components[c]; if (!m || !g) return f[c] = null, s(); f[c] = { component: g }, u.registerRouteInstance = function (t, e) { var r = m.instances[c]; (e && r !== t || !e && r === t) && (m.instances[c] = e) }, (u.hook || (u.hook = {})).prepatch = function (t, e) { m.instances[c] = e.componentInstance }, u.hook.init = function (t) { t.data.keepAlive && t.componentInstance && t.componentInstance !== m.instances[c] && (m.instances[c] = t.componentInstance) }; var w = m.props && m.props[c]; return w && (t(f[c], { route: p, configProps: w }), r(g, u, p, w)), s(g, u, i) } }; function r(e, r, n, o) { var i = r.props = function (t, e) { switch (typeof e) { case \"undefined\": return; case \"object\": return e; case \"function\": return e(t); case \"boolean\": return e ? t.params : void 0 } }(n, o); if (i) { i = r.props = t({}, i); var a = r.attrs = r.attrs || {}; for (var u in i) e.props && u in e.props || (a[u] = i[u], delete i[u]) } } var n = /[!'()*]/g, o = function (t) { return \"%\" + t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) }, i = /%2C/g, a = function (t) { return encodeURIComponent(t).replace(n, o).replace(i, \",\") }, u = decodeURIComponent, s = function (t) { return null == t || \"object\" == typeof t ? t : String(t) }; function c(t) { var e = {}; return (t = t.trim().replace(/^(\\?|#|&)/, \"\")) ? (t.split(\"&\").forEach(function (t) { var r = t.replace(/\\+/g, \" \").split(\"=\"), n = u(r.shift()), o = r.length > 0 ? u(r.join(\"=\")) : null; void 0 === e[n] ? e[n] = o : Array.isArray(e[n]) ? e[n].push(o) : e[n] = [e[n], o] }), e) : e } function p(t) { var e = t ? Object.keys(t).map(function (e) { var r = t[e]; if (void 0 === r) return \"\"; if (null === r) return a(e); if (Array.isArray(r)) { var n = []; return r.forEach(function (t) { void 0 !== t && (null === t ? n.push(a(e)) : n.push(a(e) + \"=\" + a(t))) }), n.join(\"&\") } return a(e) + \"=\" + a(r) }).filter(function (t) { return t.length > 0 }).join(\"&\") : null; return e ? \"?\" + e : \"\" } var f = /\\/?$/; function h(t, e, r, n) { var o = n && n.options.stringifyQuery, i = e.query || {}; try { i = l(i) } catch (t) { } var a = { name: e.name || t && t.name, meta: t && t.meta || {}, path: e.path || \"/\", hash: e.hash || \"\", query: i, params: e.params || {}, fullPath: y(e, o), matched: t ? v(t) : [] }; return r && (a.redirectedFrom = y(r, o)), Object.freeze(a) } function l(t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t.map(l); if (t && \"object\" == typeof t) { var e = {}; for (var r in t) e[r] = l(t[r]); return e } return t } var d = h(null, { path: \"/\" }); function v(t) { for (var e = []; t;)e.unshift(t), t = t.parent; return e } function y(t, e) { var r = t.path, n = t.query; void 0 === n && (n = {}); var o = t.hash; return void 0 === o && (o = \"\"), (r || \"/\") + (e || p)(n) + o } function m(t, e) { return e === d ? t === e : !!e && (t.path && e.path ? t.path.replace(f, \"\") === e.path.replace(f, \"\") && t.hash === e.hash && g(t.query, e.query) : !(!t.name || !e.name) && t.name === e.name && t.hash === e.hash && g(t.query, e.query) && g(t.params, e.params)) } function g(t, e) { if (void 0 === t && (t = {}), void 0 === e && (e = {}), !t || !e) return t === e; var r = Object.keys(t), n = Object.keys(e); return r.length === n.length && r.every(function (r) { var n = t[r], o = e[r]; return null == n || null == o ? n === o : \"object\" == typeof n && \"object\" == typeof o ? g(n, o) : String(n) === String(o) }) } function w(t, e, r) { var n = t.charAt(0); if (\"/\" === n) return t; if (\"?\" === n || \"#\" === n) return e + t; var o = e.split(\"/\"); r && o[o.length - 1] || o.pop(); for (var i = t.replace(/^\\//, \"\").split(\"/\"), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { var u = i[a]; \"..\" === u ? o.pop() : \".\" !== u && o.push(u) } return \"\" !== o[0] && o.unshift(\"\"), o.join(\"/\") } function b(t) { return t.replace(/\\/\\//g, \"/\") } var x = Array.isArray || function (t) { return \"[object Array]\" == Object.prototype.toString.call(t) }, R = U, k = _, E = function (t, e) { return S(_(t, e), e) }, A = S, O = q, C = new RegExp([\"(\\\\\\\\.)\", \"([\\\\/.])?(?:(?:\\\\:(\\\\w+)(?:\\\\(((?:\\\\\\\\.|[^\\\\\\\\()])+)\\\\))?|\\\\(((?:\\\\\\\\.|[^\\\\\\\\()])+)\\\\))([+*?])?|(\\\\*))\"].join(\"|\"), \"g\"); function _(t, e) { for (var r, n = [], o = 0, i = 0, a = \"\", u = e && e.delimiter || \"/\"; null != (r = C.exec(t));) { var s = r[0], c = r[1], p = r.index; if (a += t.slice(i, p), i = p + s.length, c) a += c[1]; else { var f = t[i], h = r[2], l = r[3], d = r[4], v = r[5], y = r[6], m = r[7]; a && (n.push(a), a = \"\"); var g = null != h && null != f && f !== h, w = \"+\" === y || \"*\" === y, b = \"?\" === y || \"*\" === y, x = r[2] || u, R = d || v; n.push({ name: l || o++, prefix: h || \"\", delimiter: x, optional: b, repeat: w, partial: g, asterisk: !!m, pattern: R ? $(R) : m ? \".*\" : \"[^\" + L(x) + \"]+?\" }) } } return i < t.length && (a += t.substr(i)), a && n.push(a), n } function j(t) { return encodeURI(t).replace(/[\\/?#]/g, function (t) { return \"%\" + t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() }) } function S(t, e) { for (var r = new Array(t.length), n = 0; n < t.length; n++)\"object\" == typeof t[n] && (r[n] = new RegExp(\"^(?:\" + t[n].pattern + \")$\", T(e))); return function (e, n) { for (var o = \"\", i = e || {}, a = (n || {}).pretty ? j : encodeURIComponent, u = 0; u < t.length; u++) { var s = t[u]; if (\"string\" != typeof s) { var c, p = i[s.name]; if (null == p) { if (s.optional) { s.partial && (o += s.prefix); continue } throw new TypeError('Expected \"' + s.name + '\" to be defined') } if (x(p)) { if (!s.repeat) throw new TypeError('Expected \"' + s.name + '\" to not repeat, but received `' + JSON.stringify(p) + \"`\"); if (0 === p.length) { if (s.optional) continue; throw new TypeError('Expected \"' + s.name + '\" to not be empty') } for (var f = 0; f < p.length; f++) { if (c = a(p[f]), !r[u].test(c)) throw new TypeError('Expected all \"' + s.name + '\" to match \"' + s.pattern + '\", but received `' + JSON.stringify(c) + \"`\"); o += (0 === f ? s.prefix : s.delimiter) + c } } else { if (c = s.asterisk ? encodeURI(p).replace(/[?#]/g, function (t) { return \"%\" + t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() }) : a(p), !r[u].test(c)) throw new TypeError('Expected \"' + s.name + '\" to match \"' + s.pattern + '\", but received \"' + c + '\"'); o += s.prefix + c } } else o += s } return o } } function L(t) { return t.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\\]|\\/\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\") } function $(t) { return t.replace(/([=!:$\\/()])/g, \"\\\\$1\") } function P(t, e) { return t.keys = e, t } function T(t) { return t && t.sensitive ? \"\" : \"i\" } function q(t, e, r) { x(e) || (r = e || r, e = []); for (var n = (r = r || {}).strict, o = !1 !== r.end, i = \"\", a = 0; a < t.length; a++) { var u = t[a]; if (\"string\" == typeof u) i += L(u); else { var s = L(u.prefix), c = \"(?:\" + u.pattern + \")\"; e.push(u), u.repeat && (c += \"(?:\" + s + c + \")*\"), i += c = u.optional ? u.partial ? s + \"(\" + c + \")?\" : \"(?:\" + s + \"(\" + c + \"))?\" : s + \"(\" + c + \")\" } } var p = L(r.delimiter || \"/\"), f = i.slice(-p.length) === p; return n || (i = (f ? i.slice(0, -p.length) : i) + \"(?:\" + p + \"(?=$))?\"), i += o ? \"$\" : n && f ? \"\" : \"(?=\" + p + \"|$)\", P(new RegExp(\"^\" + i, T(r)), e) } function U(t, e, r) { return x(e) || (r = e || r, e = []), r = r || {}, t instanceof RegExp ? function (t, e) { var r = t.source.match(/\\((?!\\?)/g); if (r) for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++)e.push({ name: n, prefix: null, delimiter: null, optional: !1, repeat: !1, partial: !1, asterisk: !1, pattern: null }); return P(t, e) }(t, e) : x(t) ? function (t, e, r) { for (var n = [], o = 0; o < t.length; o++)n.push(U(t[o], e, r).source); return P(new RegExp(\"(?:\" + n.join(\"|\") + \")\", T(r)), e) }(t, e, r) : function (t, e, r) { return q(_(t, r), e, r) }(t, e, r) } R.parse = k, R.compile = E, R.tokensToFunction = A, R.tokensToRegExp = O; var I = Object.create(null); function M(t, e, r) { e = e || {}; try { var n = I[t] || (I[t] = R.compile(t)); return \"string\" == typeof e.pathMatch && (e[0] = e.pathMatch), n(e, { pretty: !0 }) } catch (t) { return \"\" } finally { delete e[0] } } function V(e, r, n, o) { var i = \"string\" == typeof e ? { path: e } : e; if (i._normalized) return i; if (i.name) { var a = (i = t({}, e)).params; return a && \"object\" == typeof a && (i.params = t({}, a)), i } if (!i.path && i.params && r) { (i = t({}, i))._normalized = !0; var u = t(t({}, r.params), i.params); if (r.name) i.name = r.name, i.params = u; else if (r.matched.length) { var p = r.matched[r.matched.length - 1].path; i.path = M(p, u, r.path) } return i } var f = function (t) { var e = \"\", r = \"\", n = t.indexOf(\"#\"); n >= 0 && (e = t.slice(n), t = t.slice(0, n)); var o = t.indexOf(\"?\"); return o >= 0 && (r = t.slice(o + 1), t = t.slice(0, o)), { path: t, query: r, hash: e } }(i.path || \"\"), h = r && r.path || \"/\", l = f.path ? w(f.path, h, n || i.append) : h, d = function (t, e, r) { void 0 === e && (e = {}); var n, o = r || c; try { n = o(t || \"\") } catch (t) { n = {} } for (var i in e) { var a = e[i]; n[i] = Array.isArray(a) ? a.map(s) : s(a) } return n }(f.query, i.query, o && o.options.parseQuery), v = i.hash || f.hash; return v && \"#\" !== v.charAt(0) && (v = \"#\" + v), { _normalized: !0, path: l, query: d, hash: v } } var B, F = [String, Object], H = [String, Array], N = function () { }, z = { name: \"RouterLink\", props: { to: { type: F, required: !0 }, tag: { type: String, default: \"a\" }, exact: Boolean, append: Boolean, replace: Boolean, activeClass: String, exactActiveClass: String, ariaCurrentValue: { type: String, default: \"page\" }, event: { type: H, default: \"click\" } }, render: function (e) { var r = this, n = this.$router, o = this.$route, i = n.resolve(this.to, o, this.append), a = i.location, u = i.route, s = i.href, c = {}, p = n.options.linkActiveClass, l = n.options.linkExactActiveClass, d = null == p ? \"router-link-active\" : p, v = null == l ? \"router-link-exact-active\" : l, y = null == this.activeClass ? d : this.activeClass, g = null == this.exactActiveClass ? v : this.exactActiveClass, w = u.redirectedFrom ? h(null, V(u.redirectedFrom), null, n) : u; c[g] = m(o, w), c[y] = this.exact ? c[g] : function (t, e) { return 0 === t.path.replace(f, \"/\").indexOf(e.path.replace(f, \"/\")) && (!e.hash || t.hash === e.hash) && function (t, e) { for (var r in e) if (!(r in t)) return !1; return !0 }(t.query, e.query) }(o, w); var b = c[g] ? this.ariaCurrentValue : null, x = function (t) { D(t) && (r.replace ? n.replace(a, N) : n.push(a, N)) }, R = { click: D }; Array.isArray(this.event) ? this.event.forEach(function (t) { R[t] = x }) : R[this.event] = x; var k = { class: c }, E = !this.$scopedSlots.$hasNormal && this.$scopedSlots.default && this.$scopedSlots.default({ href: s, route: u, navigate: x, isActive: c[y], isExactActive: c[g] }); if (E) { if (1 === E.length) return E[0]; if (E.length > 1 || !E.length) return 0 === E.length ? e() : e(\"span\", {}, E) } if (\"a\" === this.tag) k.on = R, k.attrs = { href: s, \"aria-current\": b }; else { var A = function t(e) { if (e) for (var r, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { if (\"a\" === (r = e[n]).tag) return r; if (r.children && (r = t(r.children))) return r } }(this.$slots.default); if (A) { A.isStatic = !1; var O = A.data = t({}, A.data); for (var C in O.on = O.on || {}, O.on) { var _ = O.on[C]; C in R && (O.on[C] = Array.isArray(_) ? _ : [_]) } for (var j in R) j in O.on ? O.on[j].push(R[j]) : O.on[j] = x; var S = A.data.attrs = t({}, A.data.attrs); S.href = s, S[\"aria-current\"] = b } else k.on = R } return e(this.tag, k, this.$slots.default) } }; function D(t) { if (!(t.metaKey || t.altKey || t.ctrlKey || t.shiftKey || t.defaultPrevented || void 0 !== t.button && 0 !== t.button)) { if (t.currentTarget && t.currentTarget.getAttribute) { var e = t.currentTarget.getAttribute(\"target\"); if (/\\b_blank\\b/i.test(e)) return } return t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(), !0 } } var K = \"undefined\" != typeof window; function J(t, e, r, n) { var o = e || [], i = r || Object.create(null), a = n || Object.create(null); t.forEach(function (t) { !function t(e, r, n, o, i, a) { var u = o.path, s = o.name, c = o.pathToRegexpOptions || {}, p = function (t, e, r) { return r || (t = t.replace(/\\/$/, \"\")), \"/\" === t[0] ? t : null == e ? t : b(e.path + \"/\" + t) }(u, i, c.strict); \"boolean\" == typeof o.caseSensitive && (c.sensitive = o.caseSensitive); var f = { path: p, regex: Q(p, c), components: o.components || { default: o.component }, instances: {}, name: s, parent: i, matchAs: a, redirect: o.redirect, beforeEnter: o.beforeEnter, meta: o.meta || {}, props: null == o.props ? {} : o.components ? o.props : { default: o.props } }; if (o.children && o.children.forEach(function (o) { var i = a ? b(a + \"/\" + o.path) : void 0; t(e, r, n, o, f, i) }), r[f.path] || (e.push(f.path), r[f.path] = f), void 0 !== o.alias) for (var h = Array.isArray(o.alias) ? o.alias : [o.alias], l = 0; l < h.length; ++l) { var d = h[l], v = { path: d, children: o.children }; t(e, r, n, v, i, f.path || \"/\") } s && (n[s] || (n[s] = f)) }(o, i, a, t) }); for (var u = 0, s = o.length; u < s; u++)\"*\" === o[u] && (o.push(o.splice(u, 1)[0]), s--, u--); return { pathList: o, pathMap: i, nameMap: a } } function Q(t, e) { return R(t, [], e) } function X(t, e) { var r = J(t), n = r.pathList, o = r.pathMap, i = r.nameMap; function a(t, r, a) { var u = V(t, r, !1, e), c = u.name; if (c) { var p = i[c]; if (!p) return s(null, u); var f = p.regex.keys.filter(function (t) { return !t.optional }).map(function (t) { return t.name }); if (\"object\" != typeof u.params && (u.params = {}), r && \"object\" == typeof r.params) for (var h in r.params) !(h in u.params) && f.indexOf(h) > -1 && (u.params[h] = r.params[h]); return u.path = M(p.path, u.params), s(p, u, a) } if (u.path) { u.params = {}; for (var l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { var d = n[l], v = o[d]; if (Y(v.regex, u.path, u.params)) return s(v, u, a) } } return s(null, u) } function u(t, r) { var n = t.redirect, o = \"function\" == typeof n ? n(h(t, r, null, e)) : n; if (\"string\" == typeof o && (o = { path: o }), !o || \"object\" != typeof o) return s(null, r); var u = o, c = u.name, p = u.path, f = r.query, l = r.hash, d = r.params; return f = u.hasOwnProperty(\"query\") ? u.query : f, l = u.hasOwnProperty(\"hash\") ? u.hash : l, d = u.hasOwnProperty(\"params\") ? u.params : d, c ? (i[c], a({ _normalized: !0, name: c, query: f, hash: l, params: d }, void 0, r)) : p ? a({ _normalized: !0, path: M(function (t, e) { return w(t, e.parent ? e.parent.path : \"/\", !0) }(p, t), d), query: f, hash: l }, void 0, r) : s(null, r) } function s(t, r, n) { return t && t.redirect ? u(t, n || r) : t && t.matchAs ? function (t, e, r) { var n = a({ _normalized: !0, path: M(r, e.params) }); if (n) { var o = n.matched, i = o[o.length - 1]; return e.params = n.params, s(i, e) } return s(null, e) }(0, r, t.matchAs) : h(t, r, n, e) } return { match: a, addRoutes: function (t) { J(t, n, o, i) } } } function Y(t, e, r) { var n = e.match(t); if (!n) return !1; if (!r) return !0; for (var o = 1, i = n.length; o < i; ++o) { var a = t.keys[o - 1], u = \"string\" == typeof n[o] ? decodeURIComponent(n[o]) : n[o]; a && (r[a.name || \"pathMatch\"] = u) } return !0 } var W = K && window.performance && window.performance.now ? window.performance : Date; function G() { return W.now().toFixed(3) } var Z = G(); function tt() { return Z } function et(t) { return Z = t } var rt = Object.create(null); function nt() { \"scrollRestoration\" in window.history && (window.history.scrollRestoration = \"manual\"); var e = window.location.protocol + \"//\" + window.location.host, r = window.location.href.replace(e, \"\"), n = t({}, window.history.state); return n.key = tt(), window.history.replaceState(n, \"\", r), window.addEventListener(\"popstate\", at), function () { window.removeEventListener(\"popstate\", at) } } function ot(t, e, r, n) { if (t.app) { var o = t.options.scrollBehavior; o && t.app.$nextTick(function () { var i = function () { var t = tt(); if (t) return rt[t] }(), a = o.call(t, e, r, n ? i : null); a && (\"function\" == typeof a.then ? a.then(function (t) { ft(t, i) }).catch(function (t) { }) : ft(a, i)) }) } } function it() { var t = tt(); t && (rt[t] = { x: window.pageXOffset, y: window.pageYOffset }) } function at(t) { it(), t.state && t.state.key && et(t.state.key) } function ut(t) { return ct(t.x) || ct(t.y) } function st(t) { return { x: ct(t.x) ? t.x : window.pageXOffset, y: ct(t.y) ? t.y : window.pageYOffset } } function ct(t) { return \"number\" == typeof t } var pt = /^#\\d/; function ft(t, e) { var r, n = \"object\" == typeof t; if (n && \"string\" == typeof t.selector) { var o = pt.test(t.selector) ? document.getElementById(t.selector.slice(1)) : document.querySelector(t.selector); if (o) { var i = t.offset && \"object\" == typeof t.offset ? t.offset : {}; e = function (t, e) { var r = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(), n = t.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: n.left - r.left - e.x, y: n.top - r.top - e.y } }(o, i = { x: ct((r = i).x) ? r.x : 0, y: ct(r.y) ? r.y : 0 }) } else ut(t) && (e = st(t)) } else n && ut(t) && (e = st(t)); e && window.scrollTo(e.x, e.y) } var ht, lt = K && (-1 === (ht = window.navigator.userAgent).indexOf(\"Android 2.\") && -1 === ht.indexOf(\"Android 4.0\") || -1 === ht.indexOf(\"Mobile Safari\") || -1 !== ht.indexOf(\"Chrome\") || -1 !== ht.indexOf(\"Windows Phone\")) && window.history && \"function\" == typeof window.history.pushState; function dt(e, r) { it(); var n = window.history; try { if (r) { var o = t({}, n.state); o.key = tt(), n.replaceState(o, \"\", e) } else n.pushState({ key: et(G()) }, \"\", e) } catch (t) { window.location[r ? \"replace\" : \"assign\"](e) } } function vt(t) { dt(t, !0) } function yt(t, e, r) { var n = function (o) { o >= t.length ? r() : t[o] ? e(t[o], function () { n(o + 1) }) : n(o + 1) }; n(0) } var mt = { redirected: 2, aborted: 4, cancelled: 8, duplicated: 16 }; function gt(t, e) { return bt(t, e, mt.redirected, 'Redirected when going from \"' + t.fullPath + '\" to \"' + function (t) { if (\"string\" == typeof t) return t; if (\"path\" in t) return t.path; var e = {}; return xt.forEach(function (r) { r in t && (e[r] = t[r]) }), JSON.stringify(e, null, 2) }(e) + '\" via a navigation guard.') } function wt(t, e) { return bt(t, e, mt.cancelled, 'Navigation cancelled from \"' + t.fullPath + '\" to \"' + e.fullPath + '\" with a new navigation.') } function bt(t, e, r, n) { var o = new Error(n); return o._isRouter = !0, o.from = t, o.to = e, o.type = r, o } var xt = [\"params\", \"query\", \"hash\"]; function Rt(t) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(t).indexOf(\"Error\") > -1 } function kt(t, e) { return Rt(t) && t._isRouter && (null == e || t.type === e) } function Et(t) { return function (e, r, n) { var o = !1, i = 0, a = null; At(t, function (t, e, r, u) { if (\"function\" == typeof t && void 0 === t.cid) { o = !0, i++; var s, c = _t(function (e) { var o; ((o = e).__esModule || Ct && \"Module\" === o[Symbol.toStringTag]) && (e = e.default), t.resolved = \"function\" == typeof e ? e : B.extend(e), r.components[u] = e, --i <= 0 && n() }), p = _t(function (t) { var e = \"Failed to resolve async component \" + u + \": \" + t; a || (a = Rt(t) ? t : new Error(e), n(a)) }); try { s = t(c, p) } catch (t) { p(t) } if (s) if (\"function\" == typeof s.then) s.then(c, p); else { var f = s.component; f && \"function\" == typeof f.then && f.then(c, p) } } }), o || n() } } function At(t, e) { return Ot(t.map(function (t) { return Object.keys(t.components).map(function (r) { return e(t.components[r], t.instances[r], t, r) }) })) } function Ot(t) { return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], t) } var Ct = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.toStringTag; function _t(t) { var e = !1; return function () { for (var r = [], n = arguments.length; n--;)r[n] = arguments[n]; if (!e) return e = !0, t.apply(this, r) } } var jt = function (t, e) { this.router = t, this.base = function (t) { if (!t) if (K) { var e = document.querySelector(\"base\"); t = (t = e && e.getAttribute(\"href\") || \"/\").replace(/^https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]+/, \"\") } else t = \"/\"; return \"/\" !== t.charAt(0) && (t = \"/\" + t), t.replace(/\\/$/, \"\") }(e), this.current = d, this.pending = null, this.ready = !1, this.readyCbs = [], this.readyErrorCbs = [], this.errorCbs = [], this.listeners = [] }; function St(t, e, r, n) { var o = At(t, function (t, n, o, i) { var a = function (t, e) { return \"function\" != typeof t && (t = B.extend(t)), t.options[e] }(t, e); if (a) return Array.isArray(a) ? a.map(function (t) { return r(t, n, o, i) }) : r(a, n, o, i) }); return Ot(n ? o.reverse() : o) } function Lt(t, e) { if (e) return function () { return t.apply(e, arguments) } } jt.prototype.listen = function (t) { this.cb = t }, jt.prototype.onReady = function (t, e) { this.ready ? t() : (this.readyCbs.push(t), e && this.readyErrorCbs.push(e)) }, jt.prototype.onError = function (t) { this.errorCbs.push(t) }, jt.prototype.transitionTo = function (t, e, r) { var n, o = this; try { n = this.router.match(t, this.current) } catch (t) { throw this.errorCbs.forEach(function (e) { e(t) }), t } this.confirmTransition(n, function () { var t = o.current; o.updateRoute(n), e && e(n), o.ensureURL(), o.router.afterHooks.forEach(function (e) { e && e(n, t) }), o.ready || (o.ready = !0, o.readyCbs.forEach(function (t) { t(n) })) }, function (t) { r && r(t), t && !o.ready && (o.ready = !0, kt(t, mt.redirected) ? o.readyCbs.forEach(function (t) { t(n) }) : o.readyErrorCbs.forEach(function (e) { e(t) })) }) }, jt.prototype.confirmTransition = function (t, e, r) { var n, o, i = this, a = this.current, u = function (t) { !kt(t) && Rt(t) && (i.errorCbs.length ? i.errorCbs.forEach(function (e) { e(t) }) : console.error(t)), r && r(t) }, s = t.matched.length - 1, c = a.matched.length - 1; if (m(t, a) && s === c && t.matched[s] === a.matched[c]) return this.ensureURL(), u(((o = bt(n = a, t, mt.duplicated, 'Avoided redundant navigation to current location: \"' + n.fullPath + '\".')).name = \"NavigationDuplicated\", o)); var p = function (t, e) { var r, n = Math.max(t.length, e.length); for (r = 0; r < n && t[r] === e[r]; r++); return { updated: e.slice(0, r), activated: e.slice(r), deactivated: t.slice(r) } }(this.current.matched, t.matched), f = p.updated, h = p.deactivated, l = p.activated, d = [].concat(function (t) { return St(t, \"beforeRouteLeave\", Lt, !0) }(h), this.router.beforeHooks, function (t) { return St(t, \"beforeRouteUpdate\", Lt) }(f), l.map(function (t) { return t.beforeEnter }), Et(l)); this.pending = t; var v = function (e, r) { if (i.pending !== t) return u(wt(a, t)); try { e(t, a, function (e) { !1 === e ? (i.ensureURL(!0), u(function (t, e) { return bt(t, e, mt.aborted, 'Navigation aborted from \"' + t.fullPath + '\" to \"' + e.fullPath + '\" via a navigation guard.') }(a, t))) : Rt(e) ? (i.ensureURL(!0), u(e)) : \"string\" == typeof e || \"object\" == typeof e && (\"string\" == typeof e.path || \"string\" == typeof e.name) ? (u(gt(a, t)), \"object\" == typeof e && e.replace ? i.replace(e) : i.push(e)) : r(e) }) } catch (t) { u(t) } }; yt(d, v, function () { var r = []; yt(function (t, e, r) { return St(t, \"beforeRouteEnter\", function (t, n, o, i) { return function (t, e, r, n, o) { return function (i, a, u) { return t(i, a, function (t) { \"function\" == typeof t && n.push(function () { !function t(e, r, n, o) { r[n] && !r[n]._isBeingDestroyed ? e(r[n]) : o() && setTimeout(function () { t(e, r, n, o) }, 16) }(t, e.instances, r, o) }), u(t) }) } }(t, o, i, e, r) }) }(l, r, function () { return i.current === t }).concat(i.router.resolveHooks), v, function () { if (i.pending !== t) return u(wt(a, t)); i.pending = null, e(t), i.router.app && i.router.app.$nextTick(function () { r.forEach(function (t) { t() }) }) }) }) }, jt.prototype.updateRoute = function (t) { this.current = t, this.cb && this.cb(t) }, jt.prototype.setupListeners = function () { }, jt.prototype.teardownListeners = function () { this.listeners.forEach(function (t) { t() }), this.listeners = [] }; var $t = function (t) { function e(e, r) { t.call(this, e, r), this._startLocation = Pt(this.base) } return t && (e.__proto__ = t), e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype), e.prototype.constructor = e, e.prototype.setupListeners = function () { var t = this; if (!(this.listeners.length > 0)) { var e = this.router, r = e.options.scrollBehavior, n = lt && r; n && this.listeners.push(nt()); var o = function () { var r = t.current, o = Pt(t.base); t.current === d && o === t._startLocation || t.transitionTo(o, function (t) { n && ot(e, t, r, !0) }) }; window.addEventListener(\"popstate\", o), this.listeners.push(function () { window.removeEventListener(\"popstate\", o) }) } }, e.prototype.go = function (t) { window.history.go(t) }, e.prototype.push = function (t, e, r) { var n = this, o = this.current; this.transitionTo(t, function (t) { dt(b(n.base + t.fullPath)), ot(n.router, t, o, !1), e && e(t) }, r) }, e.prototype.replace = function (t, e, r) { var n = this, o = this.current; this.transitionTo(t, function (t) { vt(b(n.base + t.fullPath)), ot(n.router, t, o, !1), e && e(t) }, r) }, e.prototype.ensureURL = function (t) { if (Pt(this.base) !== this.current.fullPath) { var e = b(this.base + this.current.fullPath); t ? dt(e) : vt(e) } }, e.prototype.getCurrentLocation = function () { return Pt(this.base) }, e }(jt); function Pt(t) { var e = decodeURI(window.location.pathname); return t && 0 === e.toLowerCase().indexOf(t.toLowerCase()) && (e = e.slice(t.length)), (e || \"/\") + window.location.search + window.location.hash } var Tt = function (t) { function e(e, r, n) { t.call(this, e, r), n && function (t) { var e = Pt(t); if (!/^\\/#/.test(e)) return window.location.replace(b(t + \"/#\" + e)), !0 }(this.base) || qt() } return t && (e.__proto__ = t), e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype), e.prototype.constructor = e, e.prototype.setupListeners = function () { var t = this; if (!(this.listeners.length > 0)) { var e = this.router.options.scrollBehavior, r = lt && e; r && this.listeners.push(nt()); var n = function () { var e = t.current; qt() && t.transitionTo(Ut(), function (n) { r && ot(t.router, n, e, !0), lt || Vt(n.fullPath) }) }, o = lt ? \"popstate\" : \"hashchange\"; window.addEventListener(o, n), this.listeners.push(function () { window.removeEventListener(o, n) }) } }, e.prototype.push = function (t, e, r) { var n = this, o = this.current; this.transitionTo(t, function (t) { Mt(t.fullPath), ot(n.router, t, o, !1), e && e(t) }, r) }, e.prototype.replace = function (t, e, r) { var n = this, o = this.current; this.transitionTo(t, function (t) { Vt(t.fullPath), ot(n.router, t, o, !1), e && e(t) }, r) }, e.prototype.go = function (t) { window.history.go(t) }, e.prototype.ensureURL = function (t) { var e = this.current.fullPath; Ut() !== e && (t ? Mt(e) : Vt(e)) }, e.prototype.getCurrentLocation = function () { return Ut() }, e }(jt); function qt() { var t = Ut(); return \"/\" === t.charAt(0) || (Vt(\"/\" + t), !1) } function Ut() { var t = window.location.href, e = t.indexOf(\"#\"); if (e < 0) return \"\"; var r = (t = t.slice(e + 1)).indexOf(\"?\"); if (r < 0) { var n = t.indexOf(\"#\"); t = n > -1 ? decodeURI(t.slice(0, n)) + t.slice(n) : decodeURI(t) } else t = decodeURI(t.slice(0, r)) + t.slice(r); return t } function It(t) { var e = window.location.href, r = e.indexOf(\"#\"); return (r >= 0 ? e.slice(0, r) : e) + \"#\" + t } function Mt(t) { lt ? dt(It(t)) : window.location.hash = t } function Vt(t) { lt ? vt(It(t)) : window.location.replace(It(t)) } var Bt = function (t) { function e(e, r) { t.call(this, e, r), this.stack = [], this.index = -1 } return t && (e.__proto__ = t), e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype), e.prototype.constructor = e, e.prototype.push = function (t, e, r) { var n = this; this.transitionTo(t, function (t) { n.stack = n.stack.slice(0, n.index + 1).concat(t), n.index++, e && e(t) }, r) }, e.prototype.replace = function (t, e, r) { var n = this; this.transitionTo(t, function (t) { n.stack = n.stack.slice(0, n.index).concat(t), e && e(t) }, r) }, e.prototype.go = function (t) { var e = this, r = this.index + t; if (!(r < 0 || r >= this.stack.length)) { var n = this.stack[r]; this.confirmTransition(n, function () { e.index = r, e.updateRoute(n) }, function (t) { kt(t, mt.duplicated) && (e.index = r) }) } }, e.prototype.getCurrentLocation = function () { var t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; return t ? t.fullPath : \"/\" }, e.prototype.ensureURL = function () { }, e }(jt), Ft = function (t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}), this.app = null, this.apps = [], this.options = t, this.beforeHooks = [], this.resolveHooks = [], this.afterHooks = [], this.matcher = X(t.routes || [], this); var e = t.mode || \"hash\"; switch (this.fallback = \"history\" === e && !lt && !1 !== t.fallback, this.fallback && (e = \"hash\"), K || (e = \"abstract\"), this.mode = e, e) { case \"history\": this.history = new $t(this, t.base); break; case \"hash\": this.history = new Tt(this, t.base, this.fallback); break; case \"abstract\": this.history = new Bt(this, t.base) } }, Ht = { currentRoute: { configurable: !0 } }; function Nt(t, e) { return t.push(e), function () { var r = t.indexOf(e); r > -1 && t.splice(r, 1) } } return Ft.prototype.match = function (t, e, r) { return this.matcher.match(t, e, r) }, Ht.currentRoute.get = function () { return this.history && this.history.current }, Ft.prototype.init = function (t) { var e = this; if (this.apps.push(t), t.$once(\"hook:destroyed\", function () { var r = e.apps.indexOf(t); r > -1 && e.apps.splice(r, 1), e.app === t && (e.app = e.apps[0] || null), e.app || e.history.teardownListeners() }), !this.app) { this.app = t; var r = this.history; if (r instanceof $t || r instanceof Tt) { var n = function (t) { r.setupListeners(), function (t) { var n = r.current, o = e.options.scrollBehavior; lt && o && \"fullPath\" in t && ot(e, t, n, !1) }(t) }; r.transitionTo(r.getCurrentLocation(), n, n) } r.listen(function (t) { e.apps.forEach(function (e) { e._route = t }) }) } }, Ft.prototype.beforeEach = function (t) { return Nt(this.beforeHooks, t) }, Ft.prototype.beforeResolve = function (t) { return Nt(this.resolveHooks, t) }, Ft.prototype.afterEach = function (t) { return Nt(this.afterHooks, t) }, Ft.prototype.onReady = function (t, e) { this.history.onReady(t, e) }, Ft.prototype.onError = function (t) { this.history.onError(t) }, Ft.prototype.push = function (t, e, r) { var n = this; if (!e && !r && \"undefined\" != typeof Promise) return new Promise(function (e, r) { n.history.push(t, e, r) }); this.history.push(t, e, r) }, Ft.prototype.replace = function (t, e, r) { var n = this; if (!e && !r && \"undefined\" != typeof Promise) return new Promise(function (e, r) { n.history.replace(t, e, r) }); this.history.replace(t, e, r) }, Ft.prototype.go = function (t) { this.history.go(t) }, Ft.prototype.back = function () { this.go(-1) }, Ft.prototype.forward = function () { this.go(1) }, Ft.prototype.getMatchedComponents = function (t) { var e = t ? t.matched ? t : this.resolve(t).route : this.currentRoute; return e ? [].concat.apply([], e.matched.map(function (t) { return Object.keys(t.components).map(function (e) { return t.components[e] }) })) : [] }, Ft.prototype.resolve = function (t, e, r) { var n = V(t, e = e || this.history.current, r, this), o = this.match(n, e), i = o.redirectedFrom || o.fullPath; return { location: n, route: o, href: function (t, e, r) { var n = \"hash\" === r ? \"#\" + e : e; return t ? b(t + \"/\" + n) : n }(this.history.base, i, this.mode), normalizedTo: n, resolved: o } }, Ft.prototype.addRoutes = function (t) { this.matcher.addRoutes(t), this.history.current !== d && this.history.transitionTo(this.history.getCurrentLocation()) }, Object.defineProperties(Ft.prototype, Ht), Ft.install = function t(r) { if (!t.installed || B !== r) { t.installed = !0, B = r; var n = function (t) { return void 0 !== t }, o = function (t, e) { var r = t.$options._parentVnode; n(r) && n(r = r.data) && n(r = r.registerRouteInstance) && r(t, e) }; r.mixin({ beforeCreate: function () { n(this.$options.router) ? (this._routerRoot = this, this._router = this.$options.router, this._router.init(this), r.util.defineReactive(this, \"_route\", this._router.history.current)) : this._routerRoot = this.$parent && this.$parent._routerRoot || this, o(this, this) }, destroyed: function () { o(this) } }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, \"$router\", { get: function () { return this._routerRoot._router } }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, \"$route\", { get: function () { return this._routerRoot._route } }), r.component(\"RouterView\", e), r.component(\"RouterLink\", z); var i = r.config.optionMergeStrategies; i.beforeRouteEnter = i.beforeRouteLeave = i.beforeRouteUpdate = i.created } }, Ft.version = \"3.4.3\", Ft.isNavigationFailure = kt, Ft.NavigationFailureType = mt, K && window.Vue && window.Vue.use(Ft), Ft }, \"object\" == typeof exports && \"undefined\" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : \"function\" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = t || self).VueRouter = e();"],"file":"vue-router-6de1f741c8.min.js"}